Prasiolite Crystal
Double terminated crystals have definite points at both ends. A double termination radiates or absorbs energy at both ends simultaneously, channeling it in two directions at once. A stone of balance, a double termination integrates spirit and matter and can provide a bridge between two energy points. These crystals are useful in healing as they absorb negative energy and break old patterns, which can assist in overcoming addictions. They can also be used to integrate previously blocked parts of the self. Placed on the third eye, double terminations can enhance telepathy.
Prasiolite, also known as Green Amethyst, is a deeply nurturing stone. It helps us to master fear and instills a peace of mind, allowing us to find relief from stress and anxiety. Prasiolite offers rejuvenation and healing and is a wonderful stone to work with for those of us who suffer from trauma, PTSD or addiction issues. It holds a cleansing and purifying quality that allows us to transform and embark on a journey of a new beginning. It aids us in our growth by enhancing our strength, courage, power, confidence and clarity. This stone activates our passion and helps us to find motivation and inspiration. When used in meditation Prasiolite allows us to access our inutition, gain insight into higher knowledge, divine wisdom and inner truth. It also enables clairvoyant abilities to shine and helps us access past life recall.
A stone of longevity, Prasiolite helps us to trust both in ourselves and the Universe's divine path for us, ultimately leading us to a state of passionate joy. It is an excellent stone for leadership.
A stone of longevity, Prasiolite helps us to trust in ourselves and the Universe's divine path for us, ultimately leading us to a state of passionate joy. It is a deeply nurturing stone and is excellent for leadership. It helps us to master fear and instills a peace of mind, allowing us relief from stress and anxiety. It holds a cleansing and purifying quality that helps us embark on a journey of new beginnings.
***Approximately 2" - 2 1/4"***